Primus inter pares

TEDEKS was founded in 2005 as an organization engaged in various expert and diagnostic works in the field of industrial safety.

Nowadays the company consists of two divisions: a testing laboratory carrying out product testing for the purpose of confirming conformity (сertification and declaration) and an expert organization.

In 2014 a testing laboratory (LLC "TEDEKS") was successfully accredited by the Federal Service for Accreditation (the FSA) by means of compliance with accreditation criteria.

A laboratory accreditation certificate issued by the FSA confirms its compliance with the GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009 requirements.

Information about the laboratory has been included in the National section of the Unified Register of certification bodies and testing laboratories and certification bodies of the Customs Union.

An accreditation field of LLC "TEDEKS" includes:

  • a complete list of products which are under the Customs Union technical regulation "On the safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure" (TR CU 032/2013);
  • machinery and equipment regulated by the Customs Union technical regulation "On the safety of machinery and equipment "(TR CU 010/2011), including handling equipment, equipment for the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum and food industries; and also
  • gas-cylinder equipment intended for use in cars, safety requirements established by the Customs Union technical regulation "On the safety of wheeled vehicles "(TR CU 018/2011).

A combination of different kinds and types of equipment in LLC "TEDEKS" is unique, it allows to provide services according to different technical regulations of the Customs Union and reduces testing costs for customers.

A testing laboratory (LLC "TEDEKS") places information on test reports in the Federal Government Information System (FGIS FSA).

An expert division (LLC "ETK TEDEKS") has actualized a licence for technical device industrial safety, buildings and structures, as well as documentation for preservation, elimination of hazardous industrial objects and their technical re-equipment expertise.

The Company’s specialists carry out technical examination, technical diagnostics and expertise of industrial safety of buildings and structures and also technical devices operated (used) at hazardous industrial objects:

  • water heating and steam boilers of any capacity and design, including boilers with high-temperature organic coolant, recovery boilers, utilizer- heat boilers, electric boilers;
  • steam and hot water pipelines, technological pipelines of any length and purpose;
  • vessels working under pressure over 0,07 MPa and technical devices having various technological purpose (receivers, adsorbers, absorbers, columns, tanks, vessels with flame heating, cryogenic vessels, vessels consisting of pipes, furnaces for various purposes, hyperbaric chambers etc.);
  • free-flow tanks (fuel, water etc.);
  • gas facilities (gas pipelines - internal and external, different types of switchgear – GDU, GDP, CDP, CGDP etc.);
  • lifting facilities (cranes of all types and lifts - construction and lorry-mounted cranes).

A team of LLC "TEDEKS" is a group of like-minded people united by many years of experience in hazardous industrial objects with various competence - managers and professionals in an engineer and technician operation sphere of non-destructive testing, former employees of a federal executive body authorized in the field of industrial safety (the Federal Environmental Industrial and Nuclear Supervision– Rosteсhnadzor).

Our customers are PJSC "ZIO-Podolsk", JSC "Taganrog Boiler Plant", JSC "Dorogobuzhkotlomash", OJSC "Orsk Machine-Building Plant", JSC "TEK Mosenergo", JSC "Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant", LLC "NPF Real-Storm", Vitkovice Cylinders, Czech Republic, "TYCO Fire Suppression & Building Products", Netherlands, FABER Industrie S.p.A., Italy, "LUXFER Gas Cylinders SAS", France, GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l., Italy, Hexagon Ragasco AS, Norway, and also all over Russia energy companies.

We invite manufacturers and equipment vendors, their authorized representatives, certification bodies and testing laboratories for cooperation.